Sunday, July 18, 2010



Biodiesel is a renewable alternative energy sources biodegradable, and has some advantages in terms of the environment than diesel. Therefore, Indonesia needs to start developing the biodiesel given the abundant availability of raw materials and crude oil production from Indonesia declined.  Biodiesel can be used directly as fuel in diesel engines without any engine modifications or in the form of blending with diesel fuel at various concentrations of 5 percent to 50 percent 20 percent biodiesel blending in diesel fuel produces no real physical change. This product is known as the American B-20 diesel that has been used to fuel buses. 
In Europe, biodiesel has been sold in general, France and Austria with the concentration of mixing. In Germany there are currently more than a thousand fueling station Fat oil a renewable fuel, because it comes from plants. In our country there are so many oil-producing plants in fat. No fewer than 50 species of plants can be processed into natural fuel sources (BBA) is a popular example of palm, coconut, jatropha (Jatropha curcas) and distance (Ricinus communis), wild living, and kapok or cotton.  Oil fat (fatty oils derived from plants to focus research efforts and development of various institutions, among others, based on the fact 105 years ago, the World's Fair in 1900 in Paris. At that time, Rudolf Diesel, never demonstrated the machine invention can be operated using peanut oil fuel.   

Metill ester biodiesel (BEM), commonly known as biodiesel. Biodiesel is an alternative fuel is environmentally friendly and non-toxic, biodiesel can use vegetable oil or used cooking oil. Chemically biodiesel included in the group monoalkil ester or methyl ester with 12-20 carbon chain lengths. This is what distinguishes it with petroleum diesel (diesel) is composed mainly of carbon. Biodiesel is vegetable oil methyl esters (FAME), which was formed through the removal of glycerol from the triglyceride molecule respectively. Each of glycerol released from the oil, and the remaining molecules are used as diesel engines (biodiesel). Biodiesel molecules are simple hydrocarbon chains, containing no sulfur, ring molecules, aromatic compounds with fossil fuels. Biodiesel is a renewable material (which neutralises carbon fuel). That is the CO2 produced by burning fuel during reabsorbed by plants. Compared with petroleum fuel, biodiesel can reduce CO2 emissions 90% in the life cycle.  Biodiesel Benefits  Below are described several advantages to using biodiesel fuels, among others, the following:  
1. No need to modify vehicle engines and can improve engine performance.  
2. lower emissions, emissions reduction (48% carbon monoxide, 67%-ozone-forming hydrocarbons, hazardous diesel particles by 47%, 100% SO2, 80% polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, carbon cycle).  
3. not add any greenhouse effect, the energy generated is similar, there are effects of lubrication, easier storage   4. Renewable (could reduce imports of diesel oil), biodegradation (blending biodiesel with petroleum diesel can increase the biodegradation of petroleum diesel up to 500 percent) and non-toxic.  

Biodiesel developments in Indonesia    
swelling volume of imports of diesel fuel has been promoting efforts to develop domestic fuels materials which are expected to substitute the diesel oil. The problem of dependence on crude oil imports and government subsidies can be reduced by partial substitution of fuels with bio fuels. Substitution of fuel with the BBH can be immediately implemented. Biodiesel, a type of bio fuels, can be made easily from all the plants that contain oil. To develop biodiesel in Indonesia, needed the wisdom of the government so biodiesel can be accepted by society. One policy that has been widely adopted is the policy of inclusion, namely biodiesel blend into solar.Tujuan of this thesis is to determine the composition of biodiesel in diesel-maximizing optimal level of public satisfaction with a closed economy for countries using the concept of utility functions. This will save the use of fossil energy in the production of diesel fuel so as to maintain security of energy supply for the future.  Biodiesel fuel has been developed since 1992, but new trials in 2001, that is as fuel in buses owned Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology, who traveled from Jakarta to Bogor. The research was developed, it turns out biodiesel can replace diesel as a whole. Research carried out in cooperation between the Directorate General of Plantation Production Development and the Directorate General of Processing and Marketing of Agricultural Products, Department of Agriculture, along with the Head of Oil Research Center and Institute of Technology Bandung LRPI, finally dared test the ability of biodiesel as an alternative to diesel in the distance thousands of kilometers. By examining tried out two cars that use diesel fuel, called B10 biodiesel blend (10 parts 90 parts biodiesel and diesel fuel) by assuming the final count of Rp 1989 per liter, very cheap for environmentally friendly fuels. Actually, LRPI also been tested using 100 percent biodiesel in diesel-engined cars, the results are satisfactory. But if counted again, apparently to make one liter of biodiesel from palm oil production costs at Rp 6000, means far more expensive than diesel fuel prices. Here's where government assistance is needed if it wants to develop biodiesel by subsidizing the price of palm oil supply. 

Biodiesel Process 
Biodiesel or methyl ester made by methanolisis oil or fat, using the trans-esterification reaction or esterification, the acid or base catalyst. From 1 kg of raw materials could produce at least one liter of biodiesel. Transesterification is a process that uses alcohol (such as metahol) with NaOH catalyst which acts to break up molecules of renewable oil (which can be renewed) into methyl esters with glycerol as by-products. First, oil is pumped into a 1000 liter reactor. Then the mixture of lye and methanol 1-2% 10-15% is added. Expenditures can be modified depending on the quality of oil. After pumping the alkali-methanol mixture in the plant that began with the screening of the mixture. After a few minutes walk of reaction, the glycerol produced in these reactors, oil, biodiesel (fatty acid-methyl ester / Fatty-Acid-Methyl-Ester = FAME). Glycerol is produced for an hour. Glycerol is then issued at the end of the process. At the end of the reaction, approximately 5% plant oil is not reacted. If we want to make the remainder of this reaction to biodiesel, it must be added back-methanol lye mixture. After mixing the biodiesel, then rinsed with 50 liters of water with glycerol residues followed by excess methanol, lye soap, candles and then spending the next acid, is required to separate the biodiesel from the water and glycerol. Water and methanol that can not be separated is discarded after passing through a vacuum distillation distribution. In the end, pure biodiesel product obtained in the reactors.  The following are principles / stages of the formation of biodiesel 
-  Separation of water from waste oil 
-  Heating with electric or kerosene. 
-  Mixing methoxide 
-  The reaction of methyl ester 
-  Separation of glycerol  
- Drain pump methyl ester 
- Purification of methyl esters 
- Provided methanol 
- Glycerol purification  

Advantages of this stage  : 
1. The speed is assured, can use several types of reactors 
2. Fast process 
3. Easy to operate-not too complex 
4. Cheap to production by providing a few pumps, valves and tanks.  
Obstacles from this technique/ biodiesel process are most highlighted on the cost of vegetable oil production, supply of raw materials (plants), and methanol. 

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