Workers' Medical Examination is essentially a medical examination for healthy people. In the education of doctors in general are taught how to examine a sick person. Very little knowledge being taught about healthy people. At most given when learning about Public Health. When a young doctor asked to check the Health Workers, of course, most findings are normal.
Many doctors are less confident in the findings on physical examination. This is caused by the insistence of laboratory examinations that dominated world of medicine. In the case of high blood pressure can only be diagnosed by measuring blood pressure, not a laboratory examination. Even this measurement is not done properly and correctly. Many doctors or paramedics rounding it to number tens of measurements. Not a pair to the figures as they should. As a result, many epidemiological studies will have errors. Groups of workers with blood pressure tends to rise can not be identified.
Examination of color blindness is often carried out carelessly. Even the paramedical examination is submitted to the youngest. Classification only two total and partial that does not contain anything of meaning in Occupational Health. If you mentioned the red color blind, then it implies that people can not see the color red, a color that signifies danger. Across the way a color blind examination was carried out very carefully, because a lot is known that chemicals such as xylene, toluene proved to affect color vision. This shows that the impact of chemicals can be detected without laboratory examination.
Health Checks are a lot done right now concerns only the physical examination alone.Rarely a mental examination. The stress of work has actually been a lot happening.Increasingly uncertain job, rarely become permanent workers, a lot of work contracts.This adds to the stress from work.
Employers will be very disappointed if the cost of very expensive medical examinations are not managed well and correctly. Medical Examination Providers only offer a package in accordance with the price, not the goal of health exam itself. More woe again if only just to meet regulations. Worker health checks carried out because no one knows since when nobody paid workers will get sick after working for some time. Because it needs to be done regularly. Early detection should be done, therefore the examination must be sharp and precise.
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